Al Kiran Al Mukadass and other pronunciations


Holy Book

How would you say it in Arabic? In Chinese? In Hindi? What does it sound like in Estonian?

A Lebanese friend who also has a Bible in French shared that the Lebanese use “Al Injeel”.

Do you like metaphor, prose, poetry, word problems?

Do you seek the opportunity to refine your mind?

Did you know this book works on your heart?

Do you want to know the Word of God?

The video below does a really nice job of expressing the hunger for reading the Holy Book.

All videos on this site are from our research on You Tube.

note: we aren’t of the denomination of the producers of the video because we aren’t of any particular denomination except to follow Christ. thank you.


Simply omitted

Have you ever read any parts of this book?

Do you want to consider why you haven’t?

Or maybe why it’s not been presented as a book to be read?


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