This is a dark topic aimed at assisting in recognizing dark veils we’ve been under.
Here is the question:
Are the films we watch Hollywood’s or Netflix’s way of “treating” themselves?
Have you noticed in our culture that we’re encouraged to give ourselves little treats? For instance, advertisers want us to feel we “deserve” something…
What if Hollywood or Netflix producers fund their films as a type of “treat", so that the creations are actually their way of treating (rewarding) themselves?
And what are they/we watching? Are story lines produced because it’s a mirror of their lives, so it’s a type of commissioned self-portrait in motion? If you’re familiar with art history, can you call to mind any familiar portraits commissioned by established families as self-tribute?
Is there a chance that the science fiction genre as it’s been shown in mega-films is actually a mirror of their narratives or a mirror of their intention?….meaning: are they showing us (themselves) what they actually perform or intend? Are these “fictions” actually everyday occurrences? Could the “self-portrait” parallel be drawn again?
To what extent do Hollywood’s or Netflix’s tastes permeate our lives?
Have you given thought to what extent sexual abuse is prevalent in these entities?
Would there be an especial reason that persons involved in film would support abortion? (do you know that even in the 1950’s child stars were preyed upon by adults and subject to abuse of all kinds?) https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/i-was-in-a-netflix-abortion-documentary-heres-what-you-didnt-hear in the link below see point number one about abuse and taking advantage of children in the film industry:
Now, below, see these two images of family portraits. Do you think the second one could be confusing?
The image is a cover for a magazine targeted at adults, not at children. It’s a society magazine…do you
notice that the cover line of the story uses the description of “royalty” as a lead-in to the article? What is it that makes these families royal?
Would it be fair to ask why adults (the readership of the magazine IS adult) would be presented this image of a young girl in seductive mode?
Would it be fair to ask what the relationship between the mother and daughter is?….Looking again at the picture, can you determine that there’s a love bond between the child and the adult? Does it seem that instead of depicting warmth and regard for each other that there’s an illustration of one inviting and one offering? What do you think?