Our Teachers
At the start of our conversion we had only our yearning. One of us remembered something:
a friend who said that one of her old friends had turned Christian. It was a seed that stuck in our mind.
We asked for that person’s email and he immediately answered us. This dear person became our first teacher.
In our wobbly and scared moments he comforted us with humour, insight, direction, and love.
He prayed with us everyday, in English and also in Spanish.
Thank you, our first teacher!
From there something else happened: a neighbor left a note in our front yard! The note offered assistance with tasks, or companionship, or prayer.
We called him and the same day we were talking with him about our conversion. This is our second teacher. Thank you dear brother!
Then, we went to Meetup and found study groups, and these groups became our first studies in the Word of God.
And at the same time one of our dear friends, had a renewal of her conversion. This friend, “C”, led us to
Pastor David L. Johnston of Nothing But the Truth Ministries. He instructs us in Biblical applications to life and for life.
And one beautiful Sunday we found Church of Atlanta Lighthouse
And also at that time we found Pastor Terry Beasley at Cameron Baptist Church.
We listen to:
Pastor David Reid, Columbus Bible Church; Pastor Justin Johnson, Grace Ambassadors; Pastor Richard Jordan, Shorewood Bible Church;
Pastor Bryan Ross at Grace Life Bible
Our Bibles are the King James Version.
The word is rightly divided according to dispensations.
Make sure to study all of the epistles of Paul the Apostle!
We’re grateful to Pastor Robert Breaker and another friend who opened our eyes to the Dispensation of Grace.
We listen also to:
End-Time Revival Ministries, that is Sunday mornings at 7am at AM 860
or you can get the Love 860 app
All this time family members who came to Christ had been praying for us,
never giving up on us!
Thank you to all of our teachers. We love you. Thank you for guiding our souls.
Thank you for comforting us in a time of great darkness.
For the passing on of the Holy Book: we thank our family!
Now to you, the person reading this, the newcomer to Christ,
you must read and learn for yourself. Read and learn in prayer.
You’re going to encounter all kinds of persons and denominations:
there is a spectrum from legalism (law) to license: at one end you must earn your salvation,
on the other, it is given to us through God’s grace.
With that being said, read and pray as much as you can:
stay near to God and let your heart and your life be led:
you are getting ready to change!
Please remember this, if you encounter things that make you uncomfortable:
don’t turn from God, God is good…it is humans that fail:
“Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good” 3 John 1:11